
The Influence of Isosorbid Dinitrate and Amiodaron on QT Interval Dispersion on Electrocardiogramm in Patients with Angina Pectoris

E.Jodjua, B.kobulia, G.Mamaladze, Z.Pagava, I.Mdivani, Ts.Kristesiashvili
M.Tsinamdzgvrishvili Institute of Cardiology, Tbilisi, Georgia

The goal of the investigation was the study of the action of Isosorbide Dinitrate and Amiodaron on standart cold stress test induced QT interval dispersion on ECG. 15 patients with stable angina pectoris II-III functional class were under investigation. QT dispersion was measured in 6-12 leads. The cold test was performed by immersion of patients forarm in 4 C cold water.   The cold stress test increased QT interval dispersion in patients with angina pectoris.

Conclusion: Isosorbide Dinitrate did not prevent the increase of QT dispersion in contrast with Amiodaron.



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