
Differencialed Diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease

Kh. Pachkoria, I. Gvenetadze, A. Machavariani, L. Dzneladze, S. Laliashvili,
L. Arutinova, N. Shengelia, L. Tsintsadze, L. Dzneladze
Cenrtal Clinic of the Tbilisi State Medical University
Key words: regional ileitis, B. Crohn

Inspite of the fact that medical journals, monographs and manuals are filled up with information on Crohn’s disease, the aspects of its differencialed diagnosis are discussed less profoundly. While studying Crohn’s disease, most attention is paid to its epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis and treatment. The authors have presented aspects of differencialed diagnosis of the pathology; results of their personal observations; discussed some clinical rarities, when the patients were admitted to the hospital masked clinically as Crohn’s disease. They give detailed explanation of intestinal complications of SPID, that very often remind symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Besides differentiation of Behchet’s and Wiefley’s diseases, and eozynophilous granulomes (histiocitosis-X) from Crohn’s disease is of great interest.


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