
Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Patients with Limb Ischemia
by Utilization of Fibrin Meshwork:
pilot randomized controlled study.

Nicholas Kipshidze, M.D, Ph.D. 1, Kote Kipiani, M.D., Ph.D. 2, Nutsa Beridze, M.D. 2, Gary Roubin, M.D., Ph.D 1., Mykola Tsapenko, M.D., Ph.D. 1 , Muhammad Z Shehzad, M.D 1, Sriram Iyer, M.D.1, Jeffrey Moses, M.D.,1   Nodar N. Kipshidze, M.D., Ph.D. 3
1Lenox Hill Heart and Vascular Institute, Cardiovascular Research Foundation, New York, NY,
National Center of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
Institute of Clinical and Experimental Therapy, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia  

Key words: fibrin, angiogenesis, chronic limb ischemia.


 According to the Second European Consensus Document on chronic critical leg ischemia, this pathology develops in approximately 500 to 1000 people per million per year.1,34 This disease may be life or limb threatening especially in patients with diabetes and very often causes permanent disability.2,3

Due to the anatomic extent and distribution of arterial occlusive disease, direct revascularization through bypass or angioplasty may be unsuccessful in most of these cases.3-4. No pharmacologic treatment has been proven to stop the aggressive nature of the chronic critical leg ischemia.4 Most often these patients require amputation of the limb with extremely high consecutive morbidity and mortality. 5, 6

For these severe cases, alternative treatment modalities including angiogenesis are clearly needed to avoid amputation or at least decrease the severity of ischemia, which could limit the extent of amputation and its related complications. 6-9          

Inspired by seminal observations of Folkman [2] many experimental studies have demonstrated that receptors of ischemic endothelial cells (EC) accept endogenous and exogenous growth factors (GFs) or their DNA-constructs . It has been considered as a primary mechanism for the intrinsic process of compensatory neovascularization. Among the growth factors involving in blood vessel growth and development, vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs)  have been most extensively studied. A large number of preclinical studies have shown proof of principle and demonstrated that angiogenic growth factors are effective in different experimental treatment models of myocardial ischemia 10-12 and hind-limb ischemia. 13-15 Moreover, providing further support for the concept, VEGF was used clinically to treat critical limb ischemia 16-19 and advanced coronary artery disease. 21          

Recent trials using VEGF, recombinant fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) demonstrate minimal or no improvement of myocardial perfusion following angiogenic procedures. 14,20, 21  In summary, although safe,  the clinical trials with growth factors therapy failed to demonstrate measurable therapeutic efficacy and significantly dampened the original enthusiasm for this new therapy.

Our previous studies 40-42 as  well as data from several other laboratories 25-26,43,46 showed that fibrin can be used as an angiogenic substance or carrier for the application of angiogenic growth factors.  A fibrin network is critical for effective wound healing, and it is biodegradable through ro‑­uti­ne tissue fibrinolysis. Since fibrin sealant is lysed slowly, it can serve as a vehicle to deliver various therapeutic agents that may help in wound healing 25,39,43,48-50 , promotion of new vessel growth 27,43  and possibly enhancement of growth factor production.45  We investigated the deferoxamine in our experimental series, and after that added it to our conventional composition of fibrin meshwork.

Indeed we reported that the enhanced angiogenesis was induced by intramuscular injection of vascular endothelial growth factor and deferoxamine added to the fibrin platform in a rabbit hind-limb ischemia model.  Based on experimental findings we conducted a pilot clinical trial in humans. The  study has been performed to evaluate efficacy and clinical feasibility of intramuscular injections of fibrin with and without additives (VEGF165 and deferoxamine) in inducing neovascularization.

Materials and Methods.

The study design was double-blinded and randomized (Figure 1).   Patients were qualified for entering the study if they had chronic critical limb ischemia, including rest pain and/or pain-free walking time (PFWT) of less then 1 min., non-healing ulcers and referred for below the knee amputations. All patients had to have at least two infrageniculate arterial stenoses or occlusions and deemed candidates for amputation and not surgical or catheter revascularization because of poor distal targets.  We excluded patients with advanced diabetes, retinopathy and evidence of malignancy during past three years.  

Patient Population

Twenty-three patients (males, ages 37-62) with critical limb ischemia and referred for below the knee amputations were randomized for treatment. Patients were divided into three groups: group 1: seven patients received only a saline injection;  group 2: nine received intramuscular injection of fibrin (Baxter, Hyland Immuno) and  group 3: seven received the fibrin composition with deferoxamine and added endothelial growth factor (VEGF165)). The fibrin meshwork was introduced into the popliteal area of the diseased limbs using a dual syringe system (one contained thrombin solution [1mg, 5000U] and one contained fibrinogen [1 mg, Baxter Hyland Immuno] solution).  In group 3, Deferoxamine (100 µg) and 500 µg of VEGF165 was added to the fibrinogen solution.

Along with this treatment all patients also received conventional therapy  for peripheral vascular disease (PVD). In addition to PVD, hyperlipidemia was present in 67% of patients, 34% had previous myocardial infarction, 70% had hypertension and 80% had a history of smoking.


The fibrin was introduced into the popliteal areas of the diseased limbs using a dual syringe system (one contained thrombin solution [1-2 mg, 5000U] and one contained fibrinogen [1-2 mg, Baxter Hyland Immuno] solution). In the 3 group of patients Deferoxamine (100 µg) and 500 µg of VEGF165 were added to the fibrinogen solution.

Intramuscular administration of fibrin with or without VEGF was well tolerated.  There were no signs of systemic or local inflammatory reaction or reported complications or serious adverse events related to the drug administration. 

End Points

Primary end points were the safety and efficacy of the treatment defined as reducing the need for amputation or the extent of amputation, increase in ABI, transcutaneous oxygen pressure( TcO2), rest pain and improvement of claudication (pain-free walking time (PFWT)).  We continuously followed up patients up to 3 years post treatment.  To measure ABI, we established Doppler-derived arterial segmental pressures on the ankle and brachium with a standard adult cuff and indexed ankle systolic pressure against brachial one (normal range >1.0).  PFWT was determined on a treadmill at 3 km/h with no incline.  We judged an increase in PFWT of more then 1 minute, as well as decrease in demand for pain medication for rest pain as an improvement. TcO2   was measured with an oxymonitor and recorded in mm Hg (normal range > 60 mm Hg). Angiograms also were performed before and after the treatment.

Statistical analysis

 Values are expressed as mean+SEM. The significance of differences was determined with the Student’s t-test. Statistical significance was established as p less then 0.05.


Intramuscular administration of fibrin with or without VEGF was well tolerated.  There were no signs of systemic or local inflammatory reaction or reported complications or serious adverse events related to the drug administration. 

The ankle-brachial index (Figure 2) in the control group was 0.46 ± 0.12 before beginning the clinical trial and was 0.41 ± 0.16 at the 3 month follow-up. (The follow-up period was different for the control group because amputations were performed during this period in four of seven patients). The ankle-brachial index in patients treated with fibrin increased from 0.43 ± 0.20 to 0.73 ± 0.12 at six months follow-up (p<0.05 vs. baseline data and vs. control group). When VEGF was added to the fibrin-deferoxamine compound, the ankle-brachial index of patients increased from 0.49 ± 0.12 to 0.78 ± 0.19 (no differences between the fibrin treated groups). Transcutaneous oxygen pressure (Tc02) increased in both fibrin treated groups from 21 ± 4 mmHg to 45 ± 7 mmHg as compared to 19 ± 3 mmHg in the control groups of patients (Figure 3) .

In the control group (saline injection only) there has been no improvement and as a result five patients had undergone below the knee amputation by the 3-6 month follow-up. In contrast clinical improvement (increase in PFWT for more then 1 min. or/and decrease of rest pain) (Table 1)  was noted in eight of nine patients following fibrin treatment alone, and in all seven patients injected with the fibrin meshwork, deferoxamine and VEGF combination . This was   observed in the course of 3 months post therapy in 3 patients; 6 months post therapy in 5 patients, and by a year post treatment in 7 patients.  At one year, clinical improvement was sustained in all patients from the fibrin, deferoxamine and VEGF combination treated group.  Only one patient from fibrin alone treated group had below the knee amputation six months following fibrin administration. There were 6 patients with three-year follow-up.  All represent both fibrin treated groups. Four sustained clinical improvement, however, pain-free walking time remained significantly deceased and one patient underwent below the knee amputation.


Although treatment of critical, life threatening peripheral vascular disease (PVD) has greatly improved over recent decades by surgical and interventional techniques, it remains limited by vascular proliferative lesions and by our inability to modulate it. In most cases, the extent and distribution of advanced PVD precludes any operative or percutaneous revascularization and an inexorable downhill course follows. 3   Attempts at direct revascularization in patients who have severe chronic limb-threatening ischemia may fail because: 1) there is no adequate conduit for arterial reconstruction; 2) the disease is diffuse and progressive; 3) there is small vessel disease as a result of diabetes or other co-morbidities; or 4) advanced age poses higher risk of surgery.  Amputation, despite its associated morbidity, mortality, and functional implications, is still often recommended at this stage of limb ischemia. 24,29,30,36   Therapeutic options are so limited for patients who have lower extremity vascular obstructive disease 4,11, because typically neither conservative measures nor drug therapy is effective.  Several studies have shown that neovascularization by utilizing of angiogenic growth factors are effective in experimental models of myocardial ischemia 10-12 and hind-limb ischemia. 13-15  Moreover, VEGF was used clinically to treat critical limb ischemia  16-19 and advanced coronary artery disease.21

Providing further support for the concept, Isner and colleagues 17 reported improvement of peripheral arterial ischemia after they used a hydrogel-coated balloon catheter to transfect the peripheral arteries with cDNA encoded VEGF. Subsequently, the same group initiated intramuscular injection of VEGF165-encoding naked human plasmid cDNA in nine patients (10 ischemic limbs). 16  In this initial series of intramuscular (rather than intra-arterial) injections of an angiogenic gene, blood flow improved in eight of ten limbs, as demonstrated by magnetic resonance angiography, and there was an overall increase of 30% in ABI, a key measure of improved limb blood supply.

Isner’s group 37 also injected naked plasmid DNA directly into the myocardium through a minimally invasive incision in the chest wall. They concluded that the procedure is safe and may lead to reduced symptoms and improved myocardial perfusion in selected patients with chronic myocardial ischemia.

Despite this very encouraging early experience, it is not known whether new collaterals will have hemodynamic significance.  Recent trials using VEGF, recombinant fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) demonstrate minimal or no improvement of myocardial perfusion following angiogenic procedures. 14, 20, 21, 38   

Another burgeoning area of research involves the utilization of bone marrow cells and/or endothelial precursor cells. Indeed recent controlled studies demonstrated very intriguing results.2.  They showed an increase in ABI, Tco2 and PFWT, and concluded that autologous implantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM-MNC) could be safe and effective for the achievement of therapeutic angiogenesis because of the natural ability of  BM-MNC to supply endothelial progenitor cells and to secrete various angiogenic factors and cytokines.22

Recently conducted TRAFFIC (Therapeutic angiogenesis with recombinant fibroblast growth factor -2 for intermittent claudication) study investigated the safety and effectiveness of intra-arterial infusion of single and double doses of rFGF-2 39  190 patients with intermittent claudication were randomly assigned to treatments or placebo. The primary endpoint was a 90 day change in peak walking time (PWT). Secondary outcomes included ankle –brachial pressure index (ABI) and safety.  Intra-arterial rFGF-2 resulted in a statistically significant increase in peak walking time at 90 minutes; however repeat infusion was no better then a single infusion. Although the increase in PWT and ABI were modest, there was no significant difference in claudication onset time or quality of life between treatment groups.   This study clearly provided evidence of angiogenesis induced by infusion of the growth factor.  

Although some of the studies of peripheral angiogenesis 17,18,20,28,37 showed good clinical results, they  did not reveal  neovascularization by angiography .

The idea to use fibrin as an angiogenesis substance alone or with the addition of proteins was introduced by Fasol et al 43 who demonstrated that a modified fibrin glue implant containing the angiogenic growth factors bFGF-I induced significant site-directed formation of new blood vessel structures in a rat model.   Later Laube et al 44 used human recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor in a fibrin matrix applied directly to the epicardium in 8 patients with diffuse coronary artery disease during conventional bypass grafting. This study demonstrated induction of a collateral network of capillaries visualized by coronary angiography and thallium scans.   Pre-operative borderline ischemic myocardium had recovered almost to near normal perfusion. 

The expected – but not yet proven – slow release and longer availability of the growth factors may enhance and sustain angiogenesis, and thus improve oxygen supply in ischemic tissue.  Without growth factors, fibrin glue applied subcutaneously has been shown to stimulate angiogenesis. 42    Moreover, in our previous experimental study, high dose fibrin applications demonstrated significantly higher  induced angiogenesis and increased blood flow than in the low  dose group, showing its dose dependent effect. We also believe that fibrin glue enhances the effect of VEGF.  Our, and other experiments demonstrate that the fibrin glue becomes vascularized 41,42 indicating that plasma proteins alone are able to perform some of the functions of the extra cellular matrix involved in anchoring EC to the vessel wall. As described above applied to ischemic tissue, the fibrin glue serves as a temporary matrix for gradual development of granulation tissue that is characterized by a high degree of vascularity. Because it is well known that ischemia interrupts local circuit neurons, previous studies showing that fibrin can also enhance nerve regeneration. 45,47

Intramuscular administration of growth factors without fibrin glue can stimulate angiogenesis in some animal models 13,15,31 but not in others 33, which further supports the value of adding the fibrin. 

We suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) supplemented in a fibrin carrier will stimulate angiogenesis in severe ischemic tissue. However, our hypothesis was that it is necessary to use both administration of exogenous VEGF and stimulate the production of the body’s own endogenous VEGF from endothelial cells. Since iron chelators have been reported to interfere with inflammatory cells 23 and possibly enhance vascular growth factor production 24 we investigated the deferoxamine in our experimental series, and after that added it to our conventional composition of fibrin meshwork.

Previously we have demonstrated in a patient with bilateral ischemic gangrene of the feet, that VEGF and fibrin accelerated the wound healing process.  Unfortunately, however, the patient required bilateral below the knee amputation, but less extensive and severe than anticipated before the protocol40.  Soon after that we showed the efficacy of this approach in another patient with chronic leg ischemia induced by intramuscular injection of VEGF165 and deferoxamine added to the fibrin platform.

In the cases reported here, it is clear that there was substantial improvement in blood flow of the ischemic extremities, which consequently improved symptoms and the patient’s quality of life. We have objectively demonstrated by angiography the growth of new blood vessels after treatment with VEGF and fibrin. The fibrin glue aids in the slow release of the growth factor and thus prolongs its availability, sustaining angiogenesis and improving oxygen supply. This demonstrates again and confirms that fibrin glue alone, applied directly, can stimulate angiogenesis. 

Theoretical risks of therapeutic angiogenesis include non-target organ neovascularization, acceleration of atherosclerosis, or spread of undetected malignancy.  We saw no evidence of such toxic effect during the follow up.


In summary, our clinical study demonstrated significant reduction in the rate of amputation, healing of ulcers, substantial improvement in symptoms (rest pain, pain-free walking time) and, consequently, in the patient’s quality of life after treatment. We have also demonstrated sustained effect of treatment at 3-year follow-up after local application of Fibrin+VEGF and/or fibrin alone. We propose that this strategy can be used as a possible therapeutic intervention in the management of limb ischemia by enhancing growth of new blood vessels. A larger clinical study is underway at the  Lenox Hill Heart and Vascular Institute  of New York  to establish efficacy of fibrin therapy in the treatment of critical limb ischemia.




The authors wish to thank Cathy Kennedy, project editor, for copyediting and other editorial assistance. 

Table 1. Clinical outcome of fibrin-matrix angiogenesis for lower extremity ischemia.






Group 1 (control)

Group 2 (Fibrin)

Group 3 (Fibrin+VEGF)

Patients (n)




Before therapy




Rest pain                   (with or without PFWD<1min.)




PFWD<1 min.              ( without rest pain)




After therapy




Clinical improvement










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