
Premature aging

Z. Dumbadze
National Center of therapy

Aging is a complicate biological process that concerns a certain part of development of live beings, their development in time, the process which is internally contrudictional.

The fact that aging of human being mainly runs as a pathological process is commonly acknowledged. The conditions of modern life of society, the widely spread dieses during the second part of the life (atherosclerosis, ischemic, hypertension and ect.) through the acceleration  aging process leads human beings to the premature old age and death until they reach the generic biological end of life, therefore the precauses for pathological processes their early diagnostics and treatment is a very important step in the process of prevention of premature aging. This remains as an object of grate interest and discussions amount scientists. Also there are completely different attitudes regarding this issue. The pisiological aging is the natural start of aging process and gradual development of aging changes that are usual for this generic and limits adaptive abilities of the body in surrounding environment.

(The seminar for gerontology of WHO in 1963 in Kiev) Premature aging must be considered as a partial or complete acceleration of the process of aging that leads to the individual’s outrun of the aging process of those healthy people group that he belongs to. With the other words during the premature aging the biological age of a men outruns his calendar  age The risk factors of PA are dieses of androgenic origin, hereditary and egzogenic hipodinamias, distresses, non rational nutrition, chronicle dieses, bed habits and ect.

Prevention of PA naturally must include the elimination of risk-factors by all possible means.


1. Гериатрия, под. Чеботарева Д.Ф., Москва, «Медицина». 1990 г.

2. Коркушко О. В. Калиновская Е.Г. Молотков В.И. Преждевременное старение человека, Киев,  «Здаровья». 1979 г.

3. Коркушко О. В. Чеботарева Д.Ф., Калиновская Е.Г. Гариатриа в терапевтической практике, Киев,  «Здаровья». 1993 г.

4. Руководство по Гериатрии, под. Чеботарева Д.Ф., Москва, «Медицина». 1982 г.

