
Lipid-modifying Efficacy of Simgal in Patients Undergoing 
Myocardial Revascularization Procedures

G. Chapidze, S. Kapanadze, N. Dolidze, A. Chukhrukidze
Emergency Cardiology Center

Key words: Simgal, secondary coronary prevention, myocardial revascularization

In order to evaluate lipid-modifying efficacy of a new member from simvastatins class – Simgal, 29 patients’ blood lipid status was examined. 21 patients had undergone coronary artery bypass graft operation and 8 patients – percutaneous coronary intervention. Duration of the follow-up was 4 weeks. On the background of 10mg/daily Simgal we observed statistically significant changes in all lipid parameters except triglycerides (TG). Simgal lowered total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), TG, β and pre-β lipoproteines and atherogenic ratio by 26%, 34%, 9%, 22% and 41%, respectively.  High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) was increased by 14%. The target levels of HDL-C (>40mg/dL), LDL-C (<100mg/dL) and TG (<150mg/dL) were obtained in 93%, 90% and 24% cases, respectively. Lipid-lowering efficacy of Simgal was mainly expressed in relation to one of the most important lipid risk factors and predictor of development of new stenosis and occlusion in native coronary arteries and bypass grafts─elevated levels of LDL-C. In achieving the NCEP lipid goals Simgal was the most efficacious in association with antiatherogenic lipid fraction – HDL-C. Simgal was well-tolerated and safe for patients. No serious adverse event occurred during the study period. One patient had myalgia of inferior limbs without creatine kinase elevation. There were no liver enzyme increase above 2 upper limit of normal.

In conclusion, the obtained short-term results of the present study suggest that the treatment of CHD patients undergoing myocardial revascularization with 10mg/daily Simgal is beneficial for the correction of dyslipidemia. Major steps should be taken to convince Georgian physicians about the benefits of this cost-effective statin therapy in secondary CHD prevention. IVAX Corporation has kindly provided us with Simgal.


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